Case Studies
Since 2009, we have worked with over 30 international schools and universities. Here are just a few case studies of recent projects we have worked on.
If you would like more detailed information about our work, please get in touch on +44 (0)7900 162220.
Collège français bilingue de Londres Education
Collège français international d’Amsterdam Education
East London Bilingual School Education
École française de Bristol Education
École française européenne de Podgorica Education
École Jeannine Manuel Education
EDHEC Higher education
EM Normandie Oxford Higher education
ESSEC Higher education
French International School of Hong Kong Education
HEC Paris Higher education
Lycée français d’Irlande Education
Lycée français Jules Verne (Johannesburg) Education
Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill Education
Toulouse Business School Higher education
Université Paris-Dauphine London Higher education
Wellington School of Skills Education
Other projects – Education Education
Other projects – Higher Education Higher education