Case Studies

Toulouse Business School

Toulouse Business School was founded in 1903 and provides business education to 5,000 students and 2,000 trainees around the world.

London campus creation

After opening branches in Paris, Barcelona and Casablanca, Toulouse Business School asked Turenne Consulting to help them set up a campus in Britain’s capital. Turenne found the ideal premises under very tight deadlines, negotiated a midterm agreement, and set up a UK operating entity for their new campus.


Toulouse Business School intends to leverage from the new London campus and increase their visibility internationally. Two objectives were identified by TBS and Turenne in relation with the contemplated expansion: make its London campus even more attractive to existing and potential new students and improve the financial profitability of the campus. Turenne Consulting was mandated to advise Toulouse Business School in identifying the relevant academic programs to be opened in London for the UK and international markets. The team prepared a thorough competition analysis and worked out a selection of niche program taking into account TBS identity and overall international development strategy.

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